
Bud Weidenthal was a reporter, columnist and assistant City Editor for The Cleveland Press from 1950 to 1981.
He served as Vice President of Cuyahoga Community College until 1989, and editor of the Urban Report from 1990 until 2005.
Bud passed away in 2022.


Not In My Backyard

Tilting at Turbines 
        Not too long ago, while driving through the vast, unpredictable landscape of Northwest Texas, we came upon a swarm of enormous windmills, planted as far as the eye could see, in every direction.  
         Now better known as “wind turbines.” Everywhere. They are apparently beloved by many environmentalists and engineers alike, touted as the wave of the green future. the cure to the so-called global warming. And that’s scary. 
        The novelty and the pervasiveness of these monsters distorting the Texas skyline, grabbed my attention. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. My initial reaction was of amazement.  They must be creating enough power to light the whole city of Ft. Worth, I thought to myself.  Not really, I have been told.  Possibly part of Abilene. Not enough power lines exist in the area to do much more.
        My next thought: what a blight on the natural environment.


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